What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

Charles and Mike were super. Thank you for your quick attention to our problem.

Very helpful and courteous!

Communication was the KEY! - Dan was very good and knowledgeable in his work. Steve is committed and kept up his word regarding completion of his work. Thank you

Oscar did the job of 3 men - he was great and his work is perfect!

I appreciate the work completed by Oscar and Francisco in my home. They did a really good job! Thank you - I would recommend anyone in my shoes to use SERVPRO!

Keep doing what you’re doing - you have a great staff! - Dan and Steve were always available for all of my questions and concerns. Jerry and Ian were very professional & personable. They made the back porch look as good as the day it was built - Great guys to work with!


Steve and his crew were outstanding and very professional.

The performance was well above my expectations - From the beginning to end all of the staff (on-site and office) were helpful, polite, professional, and caring. Not all businesses show a lot of personable customer service as SERVPRO of South Durham did - SO IMPRESSED!!!

I have been extremely pleased with everyone. Steve was outstanding to work with.